
Monday 2 October 2017

Posted by Unknown
No comments | 08:53

The Basic Function Of Electronic Telephone

1. It requests the use of the telepohone system when the handset is lifted.
2. It indicates thet the system is ready for use by receiving a tone, called dialing tone.
3. It sends the number of the telephone to be called to the system. This number is initiated by the        caller when the number is pressed or the dial is rotated.
4. It indicates the state of the call in progress by receiving tones indicating the status (ringing, busy,    etc).
5. It indicates an incoming call to the called telephone by ringing bell pr other audible tones.
6. It changes speech of the calling party to electrical signals for transmission to a distant party through the system, It change electrical signal received from a distant party to speech for the called party.
7. It automatically adjusts for changes in the power supplied to it.
8. It signals the system that a call is finished when a caller "hang up" the handset.
9. It ensure that a small amount of the transmit signal is fed back to the speaker, enabling talkers to hear themselves speaking. This feedback signal is sometimes called sidetone or talkback.
10. A built in microprocessor in an electronic telephone permits automatics control of the telephone's function and provides features such as telephone number storage, automatic dialing and redialing.


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